
Sight Seeing Tour and Restaurants

The sight seeing tour will start at 5 pm at 12th of October. We would like to kindly ask anyone who is interested in this programme, to meet in front of  Hotel Blaha Lujza az 4:45 pm. The cost of the tour is around 3 euros per person.

We also would like to recommend to you some restaurant options for 12th of October, which are quite good based on our experiences:
Arany Csillag, pizzeria, cheaper:
Borcsa: next to the beach, lake-view, more expensive:
Arács Szíve: a bit far from the hotel, car needed:
kredenc borbisztro: mostly winery, but newly menu everyday:;

Abstract Submission

The deadline for the abstract submission of selected talks is expected to be 15th of August 2018.

Please note that talks are chosen in advance by the local organizers in each participating country. Abstract submission requirements and (pre)selection are at the discretion of the local organizers.